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Unlock Your Full Athletic Potential with the Expertise and Guidance of Coach DuPraw
“The game of Hockey is getting faster. The best players need to be creative and use explosive speed and power to gain advantage.”
– Coach Ryan DuPraw
Unlock Your Full Athletic Potential with the Expertise and Guidance of Coach DuPraw
A game-changer for Off-Ice Hockey Training. The patent-pending DriBlades™ Off-Ice Hockey Blades are the world’s first pair of Off-Ice Skate Blades that fit easily in your current hockey skates and are designed to be used for Off-Ice Training.
Now hockey players can actually perform workouts that replicate the same biomechanical and physical effects as actually being on ice. The results: more strength and stamina, better balance and relevant skill training that cross over more effectively to practice and games.
Our weighted slider delivers instant muscle feedback, enhances the engagement of secondary muscles, and serves as an ideal tool for reinforcing the primary skating muscles. It effectively contributes to strengthening these key muscle groups while improving overall biomechanics.