Rise Above the Ice: Effective Dry Land Training for Youth Hockey Players
Introduction Dry land training is an essential component of a
Until now, Train like you play, has always meant training with
intensity and maximum effort. With DriBlades™ off-ice training blades technology, Train like you play now means
Train like you play. In your skates: 24/7, at the gym, at home or wherever you get your sweat on.
A former professional athlete and Emmy Award winning producer/cinematographer, Jason has directed dozens of television shows for networks in both the US and Canada, as well as commercial campaigns for some of the biggest names in sports. Jason was a record breaking quarterback at the University of Arizona before having a lengthy pro career, including a Grey Cup (CFL) championship with Edmonton.
Cory is a trademark agent before the Canadian IP Office. In over 20 years of practice he has worked with clients from around the world in virtually every industry vertical, and has been honored to be listed in the peer-reviewed Best Lawyers in Canada (Trademarks) and the Who’s Who Legal in Canada – Trademarks Law directories for Canada for many years. Cory is also an enthusiastic hockey dad and aspiring BBQ champion.
Introduction Dry land training is an essential component of a
Introduction Hockey is a demanding sport that requires both physical
When it comes to sports that require powerful lower body
Hockey players are constantly looking for ways to improve their
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